A Painting


A few days back, I got an invitation to participate in The Allergic to “E” Challenge. Though I responded with a paragraph, but I wanted to write a verse without the letter “E”. I saw a picture on Karl‘s blog. Yeah, the one above. And, hooray! I could finally conjure up something. Thank you, Karl for uploading that beautiful picture and that amazing piece of poetry.

Satin sky
A garland of stars
A hanging crystal orb
Its warmth, flowing
A dripping painting

12 thoughts on “A Painting”

  1. Alright well that was great compared to my noncreative, non entertaining, non profound, oddly impetuous, and embarrassingly time consuming. So nice job.


    1. *time consuming version of the challenge. Pretend that’s what it says, because otherwise my comment makes no sense.


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